Domain Names and How Do they Work? Domains and DNS explained

Domain Names and How Do they Work? Domains and DNS explained

To be reached on the Internet, everyone uses a domain address of any kind. The Internet has a directory function, DNS = Domain Name System, which translates domain names into IP addresses and vice versa. Compare to the phone directory where you will find a specific phone number of the person you want to contact. Behind each domain address, there is a corresponding number. In order to make it easier for users on the Internet, domain names are used instead. DNS is installed on a server (name server). A name server can hold different functions – resolution and domain hosting.

A name server may have the resolution function, which means that the name server will look up / search for IP addresses and names on the Internet. This is done by resolving the question to one or more other name servers in the world. The questions are asked by clients and servers on the Internet who need to connect to another computer (eg to send mail, search for a web page, etc.) Resolver stores the answers for a while to provide faster answers to repeated questions.

domain Hosting
A name server may have the hosting function, which means that the name server has the task of answering DNS questions about domain names and IP addresses from different resolves, and is therefore available for the entire Internet. Hosting is required if a separate domain name is to be used on various services, such as e-mail service or webhosting with own domain name.
To contact a computer / website on the Internet, you need the IP address of that computer. Let’s say you’re sitting at your computer and want to connect to the Webspace website, https://www.webspace.com.mt. Your computer will then contact the current resolver who “performs the search” after the IP address, so that you can link to the current page. The resolver then asks the question for other name servers until it gets the correct answer.

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